Friday, August 22, 2008

Cami...for your consideration...

My dear, sweet, beautiful friend Cami has a great blog. (check it out..really.) She has White Trash Wednesday and it always proves to be a great read. I was going through some old photos and saw this. Cami..what do you think? WTW worthy?? LOL

For anyone that doesn't know the story...Seth was reading a book about hands. He decided that the middle finger was so awesome it should actually be called, The King of Fingers. I thought it was fitting. And no..he has no idea what it really means. Geesh...


meowblack said...

I do believe that I wasn't born with enough middle fingers!


Mama Red said...

"You're #1!"

Rebecca said...

"King of Fingers" bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!