Sunday, August 2, 2009's a White Pirate

Last night I created a tasty little cocktail. I'm not saying I'm the first to mix these ingredients together..I'm not saying that this name doesn't exist somewhere. If you've had this at some frat mixer, keep it to yourself. Let me bask in the glory that is my happy concoction. It's just a take off of a White Russian. Ladies and gentlemen..I give you...the White Pirate!

2 oz Kaluah
2 oz Rum
4 oz cream (that's right...4 oz. No one said this was good for you. Live it up.)

As you can see from the ice cubes in Scott's White Pirate, it made for a happy drink. LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice. Yes it is smiling. First thing I noticed.